Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas
Thursday, August 12, 2010
All are hale and hearty!
Friday, August 6, 2010
If it's not one thing it is another!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Footpad update
Bumps, bruises and cuts
She kindly consented to letting me look, peroxcide and neosporine it. I did that throughout the day and yesterday. She still played hard and ran like the wind. I tried to keep her quiet to get a scab formed. Two day of watching, cleaning and trying to get her to rest are USELESS! I called good friends who are major cat people and SOOPER intelligent. They told me to use New Skin. It was created by vets for animals but it is on the market for people now. I have two applications on Hester's toe. I am hoping it will hold until I get home from work. She is just very active!
The girls weathered the fireworks quite well. Hester slept through most of it. Enid paced and gave me 1 second status reports. Yesterday, Enid became entranced with a cantaloupe that I purchased. I need to remember to bring my camera everywhere with me. She draped herself over the ripening fruit. I think she was telling it that it smelled wonderful.
If you have any hints or tips on keeping a toe pad closed so it can get a nice scab to heal, please let me know!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
She is mine and I will name her Red
Red is mine. M.I.N.E. No one is allowed to touch me. Period. Red keeps inviting people over and they insist on touching me. Some even have the audacity in attempting to pick me up. The horror of it all.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sunday Story
Background information about the house: My house has three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, hallway and a bathroom. Now when they remodeled they made a "doorway" from the kitchen into the 3rd bedroom and removed the door to the 3rd bedroom. This give the house a lovely circular feel and makes the girls happy because they can chase each other around the house without the impediment of running into walls and doors. Still with me?!
The story: I returned home with packages in hand from work and from the store. No kittens to be found. HOWEVER I did find the yarn from my knitting. I became Theseus/Ariadne following the yarn around the house hoping to find the Minotaur AKA THE Kittens so I could kill them. SIX TIMES I followed the yarn around the circular pattern of the house and ending up in the bedroom under the bed where the kittens were grinning and giggling gleefully over their knitted prize...the beginnings of a wooly afghan.
Dratted cats.
Hester: Heeeheheeee. Let's do that again Enid!
Enid: YEAH! That was fun!
Health update: The girls had their belated vet visit and booster shots. As usually everyone cooed over them. However Enid let it be known that she was not a little kitten. She was a newly trapped cougar who would take anyone out if they tried to come close to her. I swear it was like seeing a National Geographic special on cougars. That was my angelic loving Enid. Hester even hissed twice which was shocking since she has sweetest disposition. Diagnosis for the girls was they are in excellent health. Diagnosis for my shirt - covered in cat hair and sporting a few rips after holding Enid back from attacking the vet and the technician.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Message from Enid
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lost little kitten boy
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Drats and help (maybe)
I am such a soft-hearted girl. I will take this poor boy into my home but my best friend asked those tough questions - what if the girls don't like this kitten, can I afford another kitten, etc.
If I get this kitten who can I take it to be fostered, loved and cared for until he can find his forever home?
Monday, March 1, 2010
Our Lady of the Fat Butt
Friday, February 5, 2010
A November Day
Me: I am baking Christmas cookies.
Enid: Sniff, sniff. Ouch. That contraption is hot! Can I lay on your feet and get warm?
Me: Enid! Please don't lay on my feet. ENID! Get your paw out of the batter!!!!
Enid: I was helping you mix it. Pfffft. Some thanks I get for my excellent assistance.
Me: I know you were eating the batter!
Enid: Quality control. You don't want to make something if it isn't any good, do you?
Me: Sigh. Enid, please go play with your sister!
Me: Hester!
Hester: I was just looking. I am not touching. I know better than Enid!
Approximately 15 minutes later
Enid: Mmmmmmmmm. These are YUMMY!
Enid: What?
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Funny happenings with Enid
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Latest pictures
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Road to wellness
Enid is ready to romp but occasionally Hester isn't up to it. But Hester is playing, eating and drinking. I am so happy for the health of my little girl. Many thanks for your thoughts and comments. It is greatly appreciated.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Left turn to Alberquerque?
She didn't have a fever this morning and was quite perky. She nibbled on my ear and tugged my earring as this morning's wake up call. Very purry and full of the marking my glasses, cheeks, and nose. I think she did eat but it was 4:30 am and I wasn't in the mood to get out of bed to check. She has her moments of play (slowly) and she is talking. Still doing the sleeping and not eating and drinking. I am forcing a 1/2 tsp of water down her every hour. I have told her job today is to eat, drink and sleep. She is playing dumb on these orders.
Wanna know how much she has grown?

January 2010. Can we say HUGE. She is my tall lanky girl.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, again. I can't wait until she is eating and drinking on her own and is bounding around the house.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
a return to the vet
Friday, January 15, 2010
Back to the hospital this morning
Hester update
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Humble apologies for no updates
The latest and greatest is the girls are growing and playing. Although as of Tuesday Hester has some problems that have progressed into me calling the vet for an appointment today (Thursday). I had some insulation installed under the house. The contractors didn't enter the house but the noise really stressed Hester out. As of yesterday and today (Thursday) Hester will not eat, drink, jump, play or walk. She just lays in bed. I tried to get some water down her but she was adamant in her refusal. She didn't mind having her teeth brushed since she likes the toothpaste. When she tried to jump on the kitchen table she couldn't. Poor thing. Enid is fine. She is running around like a maniac and talking the whole time. She doesn't seem to be concern about Hester so I suppose that is good news.
On the other hand I am totally scared about Hester. l lost my first set of cats at 3 years of age. They started having problems when they were one years old. My girls are one and this has me on edge. When the girls reach 4 years old I will breathe easy but until that I will watch them like a hawk. I am thankful my best friend will be coming to the vet with me. I think my Dad might turn up at my house unexpectedly to check on Hester and me. He was devastated for me when I lost Romulus (the last of my first two boys). I miss those boys and I love these girls.