Thursday, August 12, 2010

All are hale and hearty!

AND bugging me to not watch "Romancing the Stone" Girls, I need some schlock and laughter right now.

Hester: A-HEM! Play with me NOW!!!!!
Enid: Could you give me more food? Not that icky dry stuff but the stuff from the can.
Me: Hester, I just threw a glitter ball in the bed so go get that. Enid, you have had your morning meal with the canned goods you get the dry goods until morning. Please don't wake me at 3 am for your breakfast.
Enid: Nuthin' doin' Red. I am gonna keep waking you up at the ungodly hours since you took me to the vet. I HATE the vet.
Me: Enid, I know she didn't appreciate you bitin
g her the minute she touched you.
Enid: Hehehe. I know but she needed to know that I was in charge.
Me: Enid, she was so nice to you. She called about you everyday...weekends included! Doctors like that don't come along everyday. I thought she was very pleasant and loving to you.
Enid: Meh!
Hester: I couldn't find the glitter ball. Could you toss around the feather for me? I need to run, play, jump and yell!

No more drooling, dribbling, or general badness. Everyone is good and well. Picture time!


  1. Hurrah for your girls being back in fine fettle! Strange about the drooling...maybe a nasty tasting bug?
    MomKat Trish

  2. Thanks for the update that both girls are in good health. I am owned by an early riser also begging for food. I'm a morning person so don't mind too much (and do have to stiffle a chuckle to avoid encouraging pre-dawn behavior). Personally, I blame the outdoor avian population for rousing my spoiled one. This way too early early stuff does moderate as that first hint of approaching dawn occurs later with diminishing hours of light...late October?

  3. Yay that Enid is feeling better. They look so serene in their pictures, it's hard to believe they are that rambunctious hehe... but, as I am owned by a pair of cats, I know how looks can be sooooo deceiving!

  4. So glad that the drool monster has disappeared and the girls are feeling better.

  5. Good to see that the drool monster has been replaced by the ordinary little lovable monster. ;-)

  6. What cute pictures of the girls. Thanks for posting them.

  7. So glad both girls are doing better. They look beautiful!

  8. Long time no updates? How are the girls doing?

  9. Yes- how are Enid and Hester? I miss their antics.

  10. QUe linda tu gata!
    me gustaria tener un gatito :)


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