Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Drats and help (maybe)

I know you are anxiously awaiting a post about the girls. I have been working hard and I have only just returned home from a conference. I just found out from one of my friends that she found a blind kitten bumping around her house. She put food out for it and if it returns she will catch the poor boy, take him to the vet and then call me.

I am such a soft-hearted girl. I will take this poor boy into my home but my best friend asked those tough questions - what if the girls don't like this kitten, can I afford another kitten, etc.

If I get this kitten who can I take it to be fostered, loved and cared for until he can find his forever home?



  1. Karen seeing you got Enid and Hester from Laurie maybe you can ask her if she would foster the little kitten..? Just a thought.

  2. I would suggest the optimal foster people - Laurie or Sue! If they can't take the little guy, they might be able to help you find someone.

  3. Laurie is waiting on some new fosters anyway.

  4. You can always try contacting your local rescues and shelters...kitten season is just about to start so they may not be super busy yet, but will probably get really swamped in a month or would be worth a shot though...

  5. Oh, poor little thing! If Laurie and Sue can't take him, I'm betting they've got resources to share. Purrayers comin' to you from B'more!

  6. No advice to offer about what's in your area; I just wanted to chime in as the owner of a blind cat (adopted as a feral kitten). She's smart as a whip, and always finds her way around even when stuff gets moved. She has NEVER gotten along with the other cats in the house, which bothers me more than it does her. She is the Queen of the kibble bowl and the litterbox, and isn't shy about letting the sighted cats know it. I think she doesn't even know she's one of the cats.

    The flip side of that is, she really craves more human interaction than the others. When she was a baby I made a Cat Snugli to carry her around in, because she just wouldn't stop hounding me to be picked up.


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