Thursday, January 21, 2010

Road to wellness

Hester is doing so much better. She is eating and drinking. It was truly wonderful to see her drink on her own. I believe it is because she hates the taste of the meds I have to give her.

Enid is ready to romp but occasionally Hester isn't up to it. But Hester is playing, eating and drinking. I am so happy for the health of my little girl. Many thanks for your thoughts and comments. It is greatly appreciated.


  1. So glad to hear she is getting better, yay Hester!

  2. Oh, Karen. I'm so happy. I've been checked here every hour on the hour for an update because I'm been so worried.

  3. Patience, Enid, Hester needs a little while to get her oomph back. I am so very happy to read such positive news about the little patient. What a fright she gave you.

  4. Yay! So glad to hear that Hester is getting better

  5. So happy to hear that Hester is getting better! Keep it up, sweet girl! We want you to feel better soon!

    Charlemagne and Tamar

  6. This is great news! What a huge relief it must be - bet you're breathing much easier. I'm happy for you and your little baby Hester.

  7. I came across IBKC by chance and was following your blog from a link it had. Was a big fan of your girls though I never commented. Am really glad that Hesters recovering!!!! May you have courage to go through it...
    Chathu - Sri Lanka

  8. Eeek. I hadn't checked in for the last few days because I was travelling. I've just gone through all of the stress of the last few days in the span of 10 minutes. I'm so glad Hester is getting better. Sick furkids are so scary because you feel so helpless. Thank you for taking such good care of her. I hope she continues to feel better and is back to her old self soon.

  9. How is Hester now? I'm hoping that no news is good news.... but at the same time keep worrying that you haven't had a chance to update because she's gotten sicker again. I hope all of you are doing fine.

  10. Belated hugs, Karen - I havent been here since the New Year and just caught up on the news. I hope that dear Hester has made a full recovery by now, and is playing furiously with Enid!

  11. Hugs to the girls. Glad to hear Hester is feeling better. I hope she's doing even better now!


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