Me: Enid, you are looking a might pudgy these days.
Enid: Am not! I am perfect for a Queen Kitten. Perfect I tell you.
Me: Um, Enid. Have you look at these pictures of yourself lately
Enid: Cameras add 20 lbs don't you know and I AM SMALL so the camera lens is a gross exaggeration of my true weight and size. *Sticks tongue out at me*
Me: Enid, I don't need a camera to proof you are bit pudgy. I just have to lift you.
Enid: I WORK OUT and have a sensible diet.
Me: Enid, YOU insist that I hold you during MY workout. How can you say you work out?
Enid: It is hard work staying in your arms during your work out. Trust me I know. You know, Red have you looked in the mirror lately. You aren't exactly svelte yourself. AND let me point out that you love snuggling with me at night. Do you want to snuggle with bones or my BEEEEEUUUU-tiful fur or not?
Hester: Tag your it! Can't catch me Enid.
Enid: YES I can! *Runs like mad*