Red is mine. M.I.N.E. No one is allowed to touch me. Period. Red keeps inviting people over and they insist on touching me. Some even have the audacity in attempting to pick me up. The horror of it all.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
She is mine and I will name her Red
Red is mine. M.I.N.E. No one is allowed to touch me. Period. Red keeps inviting people over and they insist on touching me. Some even have the audacity in attempting to pick me up. The horror of it all.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sunday Story
Background information about the house: My house has three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, hallway and a bathroom. Now when they remodeled they made a "doorway" from the kitchen into the 3rd bedroom and removed the door to the 3rd bedroom. This give the house a lovely circular feel and makes the girls happy because they can chase each other around the house without the impediment of running into walls and doors. Still with me?!
The story: I returned home with packages in hand from work and from the store. No kittens to be found. HOWEVER I did find the yarn from my knitting. I became Theseus/Ariadne following the yarn around the house hoping to find the Minotaur AKA THE Kittens so I could kill them. SIX TIMES I followed the yarn around the circular pattern of the house and ending up in the bedroom under the bed where the kittens were grinning and giggling gleefully over their knitted prize...the beginnings of a wooly afghan.
Dratted cats.
Hester: Heeeheheeee. Let's do that again Enid!
Enid: YEAH! That was fun!
Health update: The girls had their belated vet visit and booster shots. As usually everyone cooed over them. However Enid let it be known that she was not a little kitten. She was a newly trapped cougar who would take anyone out if they tried to come close to her. I swear it was like seeing a National Geographic special on cougars. That was my angelic loving Enid. Hester even hissed twice which was shocking since she has sweetest disposition. Diagnosis for the girls was they are in excellent health. Diagnosis for my shirt - covered in cat hair and sporting a few rips after holding Enid back from attacking the vet and the technician.